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አክሱም ቤት በኢትዮጲያ ግንባር ቀደም ከሆኑ የውርርድ ድርጅቶች አንዱ ነው። አክሱም ቤት እንደ ክሪኬት ፣ ቴኒስ ፣ ቅርጫት ኳስ እና ሌሎችም ያሉ የተለያዩ ስፖርቶችን የቨርቹአል ጨዋታን ጨምሮ ከእግር ኳስ ጎን ለጎን በማቅረብ አክሱም ቤት በኢትዮጵያ ስፖርት ውርርድ ገበያ ውስጥ የራሳቸውን ስም አግኝተዋል ፡፡ See: Vamos Bets, Betika, Hulusport
አክሱም ቤት በሳይታቸው ላይ የአጨዋወት ህጎችን እና መሰል ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችን ማግኘት ይችላሉ፡፡ አክሱም ቤት ላይ ደንበኞች እስከ 500ሺ ብር ማሸነፍ ይችላሉ፡፡
አክሱም ቤት ላይ እንዴት መመዝገብ ይቻላል?
• የፊት ገጽ ላይ የሚገኘውን ‹እዚህ ይመዝገቡ› የሚለውን ይጫኑ
• ፆታዎን ይምረጡ
• ስምዎትን ይሙሉ
• የአባትዎን ስም ይሙሉ
• የተወለዱበት ቀን
• ሃገር
• የኢሜል አድራሻ
• የኢሜል አድራሻ ( በድጋሚ )
• የስልክ ቁጥር ( ግዴታ ያልሆነ )
• የይለፍ ስም
• የይለፍ ቃል
• የይለፍ ቃል ( በድጋሚ )
• የማስታወሻ ጥያቄ
• የእርሶ መልስ
• ከ18 ዓመት በላይ መሆኔን እና የድርጅቱን ህግ-ደንብ ላይ መስማማቴን አረጋግጣለው ከሚለው ፊት ያለውን ሳጥን በመጫን ማረጋገጥ
• ‹መዝግብ› የሚለውን መጫን
አክሱም ቤት ላይ እንዴት ገንዘብ ማስቀመጥ እና ማስወጣት ይቻላል?
ወደ አካውንት ገንዘብ ገቢ ለማድረግ ወደ አካውንትዎ በመግባት ዲፖዚት የሚለውን ይጫኑ በመቀጠል የመለያ ስም እና የገንዘብ መጠን በማስገባት ዲፖዚት የሚለውን የምረጡ የአክሱም ሱቅ ላይ በአካል በመገኘት ለሱቅ ኤጀንቶች የመለያ ስም እና የገንዘብ መጠን በመንገር የሚፈልጉትን የገንዘብ መጠን ወደ አካውንትዎ ገቢ ማድረግ ይቻላል፡፡
በተመሳሳይ ገንዘብዎን ከአክሱም አካውንትዎ ላይ ወጪ ማድረግ ሲፈልጉ ወደ አካውንትዎ በመግባት ዊዝድሮው የሚለውን ሊንክ ይጫኑ በመቀጠል የመለያ ስም እና ለማውጣት የሚፈልጉትን ገንዘብ መጠን ይሙሉ ዊዝድሮው የሚለውን ይምረጡ በመጨረሻም ‹ሴንድ› ሚለውን ሊንክ ይጫኑ እና ወደ አክሱም ሱቅ ኤጀንቶች በመሄድ የመለያ ስም እና ገንዘብ መጠን በመንገር ገንዘብዎን ወጪ ማድረግ ይችላሉ፡፡

Axum Betting Ethiopia 

Axum Betting is an online sports betting platform that has managed to win the hearts of many punters. This is largely necessitated by its simplicity. The simplicity of the site can be seen right from the word go when the site launches. The site layout is just plain as there isn’t much on-screen text and graphical illustrations. All the upcoming events are just shown on the landing page starting from the mid-section downwards hence making it ultra-easy for punters to pick events they want to bet on. Take a look at the other popular sites: Hulu Sport Betting, Vamos and Betika.

Axum Betting doesn’t support a majority of sports. Rather, it just offers those sports that are highly popular with Ethiopian punters talk of soccer, basketball, volleyball, ice hockey and baseball. The site however does cover both local and international events. At the same time, for each sporting event that punters find on this site, they are guaranteed at least a dozen betting markets. This, therefore, means punters can even place an accumulator bet from just a single event by picking different betting markets!  

Axum Betting operates legally as it holds a valid operating license issued by the Gaming Board of Ethiopia. 

Products Offered at Axum Betting 

The product portfolios that players find as soon as they launch the Axum Betting site are as follows. 

  • Sportsbook: Sports betting is the primary focus of Axum Betting. However, only those sports that are popular with Ethiopian punters are covered on this betting site. These include Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Ice Hockey, Baseball, American Football, Boxing, Snooker and Table Tennis. When placing bets, punters can place both pre-match and live bets.  
  • Games: When players check the header tab, they will see a Games portfolio. Unfortunately, when you click the games button, nothing will pop up as the lobby is empty. Hopefully, this won’t stay the same for long hence some games may be added to cater to the needs of casino games lovers. 
  • Live Casino: There is also a Live Casino portfolio tab spotted on the header tab. Just like with the Games tab,however, clicking the Live Casino button won’t return any live casino games. Rather, the live casino lobby is just empty. This however may just be an indication that Axum Betting is working on adding live casino games.  

How to Place a Bet 

The steps below illustrate what punters need to do to start placing their bets: 

  1. Step number one is to register an account by visiting the homepage at Proceed to click the ‘Register’ button and follow the prompts to set up your account. Once you do, all that you will have to do the next time to access your account is undertake the login process by clicking the ‘Login’ button  
  2. After setting up your account, proceed to load funds in your account for the first time
  3. Now head over to the lobby to choose the event/s you want to bet on to place your bet. 

Bonuses and Promotions 

After checking the whole Axum Betting site, we couldn’t find any link for bonuses and promotions. This, therefore, means the gambling platform may not be offering any promo perks at the present moment.  

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods 

To deposit funds and request withdrawals at Axum Betting, players can use some of the most popular and local payment providers which include: 

  • Telebirr
  • Hellocash
  • Amole
  • Ebirr
  • CBE Birr

Round Up 

Axum Betting is a great betting site to settle at especially for those who prefer settling at a simple site. Perhaps the most worrying thing about Axum Betting is that its site is not protected with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) which is the industry-standard security protocol for gambling sites.