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Winner Ethiopia 

Winner prides itself as the ‘best sport betting online platform in Ethiopia’. Is there any truth to this or it’s just empty boasting? Well, we took it upon ourselves to thoroughly review the Winner Ethiopia betting site. In this article, we will expose all our findings. If you prefer hearing a simple yes or no answer before you go any further in this Winner Ethiopia sports betting site review, then we can convincingly tell you that ‘YES’, Winner is indeed one of the best sports betting platforms in Ethiopia. The other popular sites are Vamos Bet and Harifsport Sport.

At this juncture, we just want to make it crystal clear that at Winner, you can only place sports bets. The betting site does not offer any non-sports-related gambling products. When it comes to the sports products offered, you can place your bets on both local and international events. The sports collection at the site is so varied that you can find most if not all top professional sports events.  

All operations of Winner Ethiopia are above board. This is necessitated by the fact that the betting site is regulated and licensed by the Gaming Board of Ethiopia under license number 83/2005. The mere fact that Winner operates within the confines of Ethiopian law means that it’s classified as an adult (gambling) site hence only those who have attained 21 years of age can register accounts.  

Products Offered at Winner Ethiopia 

There are two main products which punters find at Winner Ethiopia. These are as follows: 

  • Sportsbook: The sportsbook portfolio is the main product offering. The supported sports in this portfolio include soccer, basketball, tennis, MMA, bowls, baseball, boxing, rugby, cricket, futsal, handball, ice hockey, snooker, table tennis, water polo, volleyball, badminton, and beach volleyball. For all these sports, punters can place both pre-match and live bets. 
  • Jackpot: The jackpot portfolio allows punters to place bets on preselected events mostly soccer. If their bets are successful, punters walk away with a handsome jackpot prize.   

How to Place a Bet 

The steps to placing your bets at Winner Ethiopia are quite simple. They are as follows: 

  1. The first step is to register an account by visiting the official homepage at and click the ‘Join’ button on the header tab. Follow the prompts provided to complete the registration process. Note however that once you set up your account, each time you want to access it, you will have to undertake the login process by clicking the ‘Login’ button and providing the security credentials you chose when creating your account  
  2. The next step is to load funds into your account. Just head over to the banking section and choose the desired banking method and proceed to make the deposit
  3. Enter the lobby and choose the event you want to bet on to place your bet. 

Bonuses and Promotions 

The bonuses and promotions which you can claim at Winner Ethiopia include the following: 

  • Welcome Bonus: Upon making your very first deposit at this betting site, you receive a 100% first deposit match-up bonus of up to 10,000 ETB the minimum deposit required to claim the bonus is 10 ETB. 
  • Selection Bonus: Every single day, punters can significantly increase their winnings by taking advantage of the selection bonus. Simply pick any event you want to bet on with minimum odds of 1.2. Place the bet and if the bet is successful, you will receive a winnings boost. The winnings boost is sent instantly as there aren’t any wagering requirements. 
  • Refund Bonus: When punters place an accumulator bet but the bet end up losing owing to just one selection, they will receive a portion of the stake and potential winnings back as consolation.  

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods 

As all the gambling products offered at Winner Ethiopia are real money products, it means you should deposit your funds first before you start placing the bets. The options you can use in making your deposits and possibly withdrawing funds include: 

  • Telebirr
  • ShopCash 

Round Up 

Winner Ethiopia is one of the best betting sites in Ethiopia. The site allows punters to place bets on a majority of the top sporting events in the world. When placing the bets, punters can either choose to place pre-match or live bets.