How to register on Marathon Bet Ethiopia
1, Enter your Full Name and phone number.
2, Enter your new password and confirm your password.
3, A confirmation code will be sent to your phone number.
4, Once you have registered successfully, log in to the system using your new credential.
How to deposit on Marathonbet Et
1, After selecting the deposit, you have to choose from branch deposit or deposit using Chapa
3, After selecting deposit, you must enter the amount of money you are depositing.
2, After selecting deposit, you must enter the amount of money you are depositing.
4, After entering the deposit amount you have to choose between severalpayment options
5, If you choose a bank you have to fill in all the required information.
5, If you choose a mobile money platform you have to fill in all the required information.
5.1, After filling in all the required info you will receive you will be asked to
5.1, After filling in all the required info you will receive a bar code asking you to verify your payment
They don’t have any kind of promotions currently on their site
Look and feel of the site
They use the same system provider as Walia bet, Qwick bet, Score bet, Pow- er bet, and Hulu betting.
Because of that, their sites are all the same.